Monday 6 April 2015

My first post! :-)

Well, it's another Bank Holiday Monday at the beginning of April 2015 and the weather is much as expected - changeable! It looked lovely out of the window this morning with brilliant sunshine but that soon made way for typical British Bank Holiday weather - overcast and blooming cold with it. I know, as I went out for some fresh air, only to retreat back indoors much quicker than expected. Even the automatic vent on my greenhouse promptly closed when the sun went in, so I doubt if any of the various seeds that I've sown recently will peep through the potting compost today.

Anyway, the initial purpose of the start of this blog, is because I have to do one to pass a module on my BA photography course, of which I am in the last few months of.

What I will talk about in my posts I'm not sure of yet, but I expect it to be mostly photographically based, to start with anyway. Depending upon how I feel once I get going, I might keep any dear readers out there who are kind enough to pop by to read my 'whittling on', hopefully amused with my various ventures and experiments both photographically and in the garden, as I am a keen organic fruit and vegetable grower, but please don't let this put you off!

Well, that'll do for the first post today. Now to check if I have understood this new piece of technology enough not to have deleted it or sent it into orbit somewhere...

Until tomorrow.